Indicator Library

The indicator library is a premium feature: it is reserved for the LogAlto Configured and LogAlto+ plans

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If your organization have key performance indicators, you can store those in LogAlto's indicator library.

1.   Create categories (tags) for your library:

This fonction requires administrator rights.

The indicator library lets you to search for indicators by categories, or tags. In the administrative settings, you can define tag groups for these indicators.

2.   Create indicators for the library:

To access the indicator library, click on the Configuration icon and select the Indicator Library option.

In order to add a new indicator, click on the + sign in the top right to write the name/label of the indicator.

You can then add information to existing fields: 

  • Data entry: Select whether the user enters progressive or cumulative values for the indicator.
  • Select the unit of measurement for your indicator.
  • Determine the frequency with which the indicator should be collected.
  • Assign a category element to the categories created for your library.

You can also import indicators using an Excel template. Simply generate the Excel file and import it when finished.

3.   Add indicators from the library to projects

You can add library indicators directly to your project's logical framework. To do this, first go to your project's logical framework and, in the Indicator option, select Library indicator.

You can search for the indicator categories you've created for the library.

Click on the + sign to add the indicator to your project. You can add more than one indicator at a time.

Once you have selected all the indicators you wish to add, click on Save.

The indicators will be added to your project, and you'll be able to configure them just like any other indicator.