Corporate indicators

Corporate indicators are managed via the global logframe. When you add an indicator to your global logframe, you have the possibility of making it a corporate indicator.

When an indicator is corporate, data entered at the project level will be aggregated to the global logframe, enabling a comprehensive overview of achievements across projects. Additionally, you can establish an overarching organizational target for each corporate indicator.

If you make Corporate items mandatory projects will not have the option to remove it from their project logframe.  If it is optional, projects may choose which items to add to their project logframe.

When a Goal/Indicator is marked as Corporate & Mandatory, then it will be automatically added to all logframes created within that Organizational unit and projects will not be able to remove them. 

If a Goal/Indicator is marked as Corporate & Optional, then projects will have the choice to add the specific goals/indicators that apply to them at the project level.